
The hip is a ball socket joint. The “socket”, formed by the acetabulum, is connected to the pelvic bone. The “ball” is located at the head of the femur and fastens into the socket, connecting the pelvis to the leg. It is cushioned by smooth articular cartilage and lubricated with synovial fluid to prevent wear and tear. Stability is provided by ligaments which attach the ball to the socket within the joint. However, a number of conditions may necessitate hip surgery or treatment.

Hip Replacement: Hip surgery is considered one of the most successful surgeries in all of medicine, with over 300,000 procedures performed annually in the United States. It is a safe and effective method of relieving pain. Fractures, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other conditions may necessitate surgery.

Hip Fracture: A break of the upper quarter of the femur bone classifies as a hip fracture and may require surgery, depending on the extent and location of the injury to the bone and surrounding tissue. The most common cause of hip fractures is trauma, however gradual degeneration or stress of the bone may also contribute. X-rays or MRIs are generally necessary to diagnose a hip fracture. This type of injury often requires surgery, however in rare cases, a patient may not qualify due to health related concerns.

Hip Dislocation: When the head of the femur bone is forced out of the pelvis due to trauma, it is classified as a hip dislocation. This requires immediate medical attention. A hip may be dislocated in a posterior (backwards away from the body) or anterior (forwards) direction. Approximately 90 percent of hip injury patients experience posterior hip dislocation. In the event of dislocation, anesthetics or sedatives are administered in order to maneuver the hip back into its proper place. This method is called “reduction.” In some instances, surgery is necessary.

Other pathologies of the hip include bursitis, dysplasia, osteonecrosis, femoroacetabular impingement, and osteoarthritis. Therapeutic and surgical treatment can be applied to help restore patients back to their daily activities.


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